Deep Learning

Home Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks.

Deep-learning architectures such as deep neural networks, deep belief networks, deep reinforcement learning, recurrent neural networks and convolutional neural networks have been applied to fields including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, machine translation, bioinformatics, drug design, medical image analysis, material inspection and board game programs, where they have produced results comparable to and in some cases surpassing human expert performance.

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Optimal resource utilization

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Efficient Data Center management

Software-defined solutions

Software-defined solutions

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Improved application performance

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Reduced infrastructure costs

Flexibility and increased IT productivity

Flexibility and increased IT productivity

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  • Brain Consulting Tech automates your processes, devices, sites, alerts, incidents, run books, and workloads. Hence, errors and downtimes are reduced, and productivity rises. Instant troubleshooting in case of interruptions also minimizes business disruptions.
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  • Brain Consulting Tech works to reduce administrative burden, and improve demand management. We work towards simplifying applications and infrastructure provisioning.